Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hey Barbabbabababarrrra, Learrn to Spel!

Barbra Streisand really makes me smile and enjoy life. She is one among many actor activists who take their boutique, left-coast liberalism and think they need to trumpet it from coast-to-coast to turn those evil Republicans out of office in Washington, D.C.

Unfortunately for Barbra, she has a history of misspelled words in her Internet broadsides against Republicans on her website. Instead of admitting she has a problem, she acts like a typical pampered, spoiled, over-paid actress: she blames the problem on a new staff member.

Barbra's rants first made headlines in 2002 before the midterm elections. In an infamous memo to House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, Barbra misspelled Gephardt's name along with mangling several other words. You would have thought that she would have learned to use a spell checker at that time.

But this week, Barbra has launched another misspelled rant against the Bush Administration, this time accusing President Bush of having "the arrogance of a 'C' student".

Misspellings from her most recent web posting include:

• Irag
• curruption
• dictatoriship
• crediblity
• Adminstration
• warrented
• desperatly
• preceedings
• ouside
• subpoening
• responsibilty

See if you can catch the four spelling errors in this whopper of a sentence from her most recent post:

"In the 1970’s, during the Nixon Adminstration, serious political curruption arose and the Republican leadership stepped up and took responsibilty by holding hearings and subpoening administration officials."

Okay, I cheated by bolding the misspelled words.

Message to Barbra: Focus more on your film and signing career. Leave politics a rest for a while!