Rome Rules!

If you haven't seen "Rome", check out the official website. It will get you up to speed on the ground covered so far, from Julius Caesar and his army of centurions crossing the Rubicon, to the fall of the Republic and the creation of the Roman Empire, and finally to the fateful union of Caesar and his Egyptian lover Princess Cleopatra. From battlefields to high society, "Rome" has it all.
The Rome of 52 B.C. was characterized by a decadent society consumed by debauchery, a tremendous chasm in wealth between the rich and the poor, a relentless army that invaded foreign lands and forced regime change in the name of keeping the peace, a corrupt and ineffective Senate that had long ago lost the affection of the people it was supposed to represent, and a society was rich militarily and in terms of spiritual possessions but spiritually bankrupt. Hmmmm, we don't see any parallels here, do we? (sarcasm off)
The intersection of film and politics in terms of television doesn't get much better than this. Check out "Rome" - you won't be disappointed. And if you are, then cancel your HBO and instead flip the dial on the boob tube to watch "Growing Up Gotti on A&E or the equally wretched "Being Bobby Brown" on Bravo.

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